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This is a limited list of the crystals available on our shop.

It is provided for informational purposes only.


Agate is a mineral of the quartz family of banded Chalcedony. Agate is believed to help us feel joyful, at ease, and able to focus on priorities, calming anxieties and eliminate stress, boost cognitive function and lead to overall better health.


Amethyst is the purple variety of the quartz mineral species. Its purple color can range from a light lilac to a deep, intense royal purple, and from brownish to vivid. Amethyst is believed to promote mental clarity, emotional balance, and spiritual growth.


Aquamarine is the green-blue to blue variety of the mineral beryl. (Emerald is the green to bluish green variety of the same mineral.) Its color is usually a light pastel greenish blue. Aquamarine is said to be associated with water, bringing clarity and compassion and exerting calmness by helping to release emotions and old attachments.

Black Obsidian

Obsidian is a natural glass formed rapidly cooled molten lava with a high silica concentration. Black Obsidian is lighter in weight and is not as bright compared to onyx and black tourmaline, and tends to be translucent when shining a light on it. It can have a golden or silver sheen. Obsidian is considered a grounding stone that clears negative energy and promotes healing, transformation, and personal growth.

Black Onyx

Black Onyx is jet black non-transparent stone that may shows some lines. Black onyx has a duller, not-so-polished finish and is heavier than black obsidian. Onyx has been used in jewelry and as an ornamental gemstone for carvings since antiquity. It has traditionally been one of the most important engraving and cameo gemstones, where its most common form was a black base with a white upper layer. Onyx is believed to be a stone of protection, security and strength. It is said to help its wearer stay grounded and focused, and to provide support in difficult times.

Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is believed to be a powerful grounding stone that promotes a sense of power and self-confidence. Black tourmaline, black obsidian and black onyx may look similar at first glance but are not when looking closely. Following are the main differences between them Black tourmaline does not polish evenly. It has a nice sheen that is neither too shiny nor dull. It does not reflect light like a mirror. Being a natural crystal, beads will show ridges or stripes like grooves on a record. Polished black tourmaline shows cracks and crevices that are visible under magnification (you can see them in the second photo included here). Obsidian, on the other hand, has a very shiny, reflective surface, and is often transparent. Obsidian is glass formed by volcanic heat so presents smoother, with concentric curves, and shatters curvy like does glass. Black Onyx is jet black, may shows some lines, and is not transparent. Black onys has a duller, not-so-polished finish and is heavier than black obsidian.

Blue Aventurine

Blue aventurine is a type of quartz characterized by its sparkly appearance caused by the presence of mineral inclusions, typically mica or hematite. It has a striking blue color, ranging from pale to deep blue. Blue aventurine is believed to bring calmness, inner strength, and self-discipline, enhancing masculine energy and promoting clear communication and decision-making.

Blue Calcite

Calcite is a carbonate mineral and as the name implies, a carbon rich rock (carbon is a fundamental building block). It is one of the most common minerals on Earth. Blue calcite is believed to help with relaxation and calming emotions, and beneficial to address anxiety and depression.

Blue Opal

Blue opal is believed to attract love and improve relationships, radiating soft and calm energy that helps to eliminate tension and clear thoughts. It is used to stimulate the balance of the mind and harmonize both hemispheres of the brain.


Carnelian is a captivating gemstone with warm and vibrant colors, ranging from light orange to deep reddish-brown. It belongs to the chalcedony family, which is a type of microcrystalline quartz which means that its crystals can only be seen under magnification. Carnelian is believed to help gain confidence, strength and courage to overcome difficulties, bringing power, and passion.


Celestite is a soft and a not-so-common crystal. It is attractive, and believed to work well when meditating. Blue as the sky, it is associated with heaven and said to connect one to guardian angels and have a calming, soothing effect.


Citrine is a variety of quartz. As the image shows, natural citrine is a pale golden yellow, sometimes almost transparent. It can also be a greenish-yellow, brownish-yellow or orange. Citrine is believed to awaken creativity and encourage fresh beginnings. It is said that citrine does not accumulate energy and helps transform negative thoughts into positive ones.

Dendritic Agate

Agate is a mineral of the quartz family of banded Chalcedony. Dendritic Agate is considered a Stone of Plentitude as it brings abundance in all aspects of life. It is believed to be useful to examine the self and self-imposed limitations, assisting to overcome emotional boundaries and strain. Many also use it as a protective amulet.

Dendritic Opal

Dendrites are the branching nerve ends in the body that communicate with each other. It also refers to tree-like markings on a gemstone or rock. Dendritic opals are often used to heal physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments.


Grandidierite, one of the world's rarest gems is mineral that was named after French naturalist Alfred Grandidier (1836–1912). Transparent gem-quality material was only found in the market in 2015. Grandidierite was first discovered in 1902 at the cliffs of Andrahomana on the southern coast of Madagascar. Being a mixture of blue and green, grandidierite gemstones are said to be connected to two chakras – the heart and the throat. So it governs love and opens up the heart to compassion and empathy.

Green Aventurine

Green Aventurine is believed to help connect with the inner state of joy and synchronize with nature’s soothing rhythm. This facilitates being truly present, without anxiety, stress, fear or doubt.

Heart-Shaped Minerals

Heart shaped minerals are believed to resonate with the energies of love, care, and compassion.


Hematite is an iron oxide and has a metallic sheen. Interestingly, this mineral has been seen on the planet Mars. Hematite is believed to be a grounding stone. It is associated with courage, promoting mindfulness and providing protection.

Honey-Gold Calcite

Known as honey, gold, or amber calcite, it is believed to help accomplish tasks and projects that require a good effort by motivating us to get going, helping relax and focus our mind.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli is a metamorphic rock containing lazurite, which gives it the blue color. Lapis lazuli is said to have a soothing, calming influence that helps to open the mind and calm the senses, negating the effects or any harmful energies.


Lepidolite is a beautiful stone with lilac, grey, pink and purple tones and is a rare lithium-rich member of the mica family of minerals. When impregnated with quartz, it can be hard enough to cut and be shaped to use in jewelry. Lepidolite is an important ingredient in aventurine, a quartz gem. It is believed to help maintain emotional balance and be a soothing, calming, stress-reducer - a dopamine booster.

Mahogany Obsidian

Mahogany obsidian has hematite or magnetite inclusions, giving it its beautiful red-brownish color. It can be found any place where volcanic activity occurs. It is believed that mahogany obsidian stimulates personal growth, sexuality, strength, creativity, passion, and provides protection.

Moonstone - Peach

Moonstone is a type of feldspar mineral with a unique, typically translucent to semi-transparent effect. It can range in color from colorless, white, gray, and peach, to shades of blue, green, and pink. The gemstone is valued for its distinctive appearance, as well as its association with feminine energy, intuition, and inner growth. Peach moonstone is believed to aid in the development of creative feminine energy and love.

Moonstone - White

Moonstone is a type of agate. Its most common colors are milky white with hints of yellowish browns, and it often has distinctive patterns and designs. White agate is a highly regarded gemstone for its metaphysical properties and spiritual symbolism. It is believed to offer protective properties in physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual realms. Its benefits include calming anxiety, enhancing concentration and clarity, promoting good luck and fortune, and improving communication skills.

Multisone (Chakra)

A multistone piece is said to keep the chakras, —the 7 energy centers in the body—in alignment., thus promoting positive energy flow, which may improve overall spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being.

Orange Calcite

Orange calcite, as the name implies is orange in color with white striations. Calcite is a carbonate and a soft mineral. Orange calcite is believed to be an energizing crystal that helps to maintain positive energy. It has been associated with creativity and sexuality and is said to provide a cleansing effect.

Orange Quartz

The word quartz comes from the Greek word katharos that means clean, clear. It is believed that orange quartz encourages self-confidence, self-esteem and community-building, facilitating friendships. It is said that it brings joy and happiness, and fosters affection, companionship and loyalty.


Pyrite, also known as "fool's gold" is iron disulfide and it comes in many forms, from tiny to larger smooth asymmetric crystals. It is generally a brassy-yellow color with a bright metallic luster. Pyrite is believed to be associated with mental stability, creativity, and intelligence.


Quartz is the most varied of all minerals offering many colors. Citrine, agate, amethyst, rose quartz, smokey quartz, as well as all chalcedony varieties such as carnelian, bloodstone, and jasper are all varieties of quartz.

Quartz - Clear

Clear quartz is said to amplify power and energy and to help focus our intentions and be mentally revitalizing. The least common is clear, without inclusions.

Quartz - Rose

Rose quartz is believed to serve as a tool to those open to guidance. It is said to amplify love and help with internal balance, self steam and perception of oneself, as well as to promote circulation on the skin. It represents universal love and well-being. Albeit similar, rose quartz is a lighter pink than strawberry quartz, which has many dark speckles.

Quartz - Smokey

Smokey quartz is considered a healing grounding crystal that cleanses the body of negarive energy.

Quartz - Strawberry

Unlike rose quartz, strawberry quartz is contains speckles and it is these inclusions that define its beauty. Strawberry quartz is believed to amplify a sense of grounding, courage, purpose, and strength.


Selenite is a pure white, translucent crystal. Selenite is believed to help remove negative energies and help raise awareness and intuition levels. It represents spiritual purity and rejuvenation.


Sodalite can be blue, gray, pink, colorless, or other pale shades, sometimes fluoresce bright orange under ultraviolet light. Crystals are relatively rare. Sodalite is believed to have a soothing effect that enhances spiritual growth and helps to strengthen self-expression by tapping into one's intuition and deep self-evaluation.


Sunstone is a type of translucent, feldspar. It is often orange to reddish-brown and displays a shimmering or glittery effect, called aventurescence, when viewed under light, caused by inclusions of copper or other minerals that reflect light, creating a sparkling or glowing appearance. Sunstone is believed to help create important communications channels, allowing for transformation and providing strength and protection.

Tiger's Eye

Tiger's eye belongs in the quartz family like amethyst and citrine and is typically golden to reddish-brown, though blue and green variations exist. What sets Tiger’s Eye apart is its unique optical phenomenon known as chatoyancy (cat’s eye), an effect caused by the reflection and scattering of light by parallel fibrous inclusions within the stone. Tiger's eye is believed to be a stone of balance and harmony, evoke a sense of strength, courage, and confidence, and act as a shield against negative energies. It is said to instilling a sense of inner power and profound wisdom and insight, encouraging self-reflection and introspection, all helping to overcome obstacles and unlock our full potential.

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